Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Switching gears
When I set up this blog, the idea was for it to be a place to plan and post about projects I did with my kids. As they have gotten older and busier with school, we started doing a lot less of that, and my focus is switching from just a full time mom, to trying to find ways to supplement our income while Chris is in school. My plan is to really start refinishing, refurbishing, and re-purposing furniture to sell, or taking in custom work if anyone has any. So, my blog, I feel, needs to reflect that. I've had a business in the past with the name Set Interiors, so I've decided to go back to that with a new blog that reflects these new focuses. I'll leave this blog up and may post here from time to time if something seems fitting, but you will be able to find my regular furniture and interior design posts at http://setinteriors.blogspot.com/ I hope that you will all check it out. As of right now, it's not terribly pretty, but I'll be working on cleaning it up over the next couple days as well as adding posts on projects I've recently finished and ones I'm working on. Be sure to become a follower so you don't miss anything exciting.
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Table is IN!
These will not be the best pictures as it's the middle of the night and the light isn't very good, but I couldn't wait to show you! I'm sure I'll do another post with better pictures tomorrow, and talk about all the lessons learned during this little project. (I know, you are all on pins and needles now, hu? :p)
I want to start with a "before"....
This little table was given to us when we were first married. It has served us well, but since there are five of us now, you may guess that we've outgrown it...by a lot. And forget having anyone over for dinner. There simply is not room!
Here is a good example...trying to set a table for Christmas with 5 people for dinner = squishy...
And now...(drum roll please!)...

Oh, I'm so in love! :)
Ok, I'm going to go to bed now...I'll have better pictures tomorrow...I can't wait for breakfast when we have our first family meal on this! (I think I'm going to need more chairs...)
I want to start with a "before"....

And now...(drum roll please!)...

Oh, I'm so in love! :)
Ok, I'm going to go to bed now...I'll have better pictures tomorrow...I can't wait for breakfast when we have our first family meal on this! (I think I'm going to need more chairs...)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
table teaser
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Table building is so much fun!
We have the table top all put together now. These are pictures of us gluing it all up. We did it upside down so we could use the ribs to help support and pull it all into line.
Peeking at the top side...
Chris tightening the clamps...
Ok, I think I've decided I need to have my brother just follow me around and take pictures for my blog. I'm sure you can all tell the difference from when he is hanging out and when I'm just snapping shots...
So, the table top, legs, and apron will be ready for final sanding and (hopefully) stain tomorrow (I'm finishing the pieces before assembling it all). The apron is a couple nails from being complete, the legs are sanded, and all the knots are filled on the top. It's really starting to look like a table :)
So tomorrow I have to make a final decision on the stain color. The original plan was for a honey color stain with some darker glaze to bring out the imperfections, but that was in our old place where we had off-white walls. Her we have...hmm...orange/gold/brown? walls...hmm...let's see if there is a picture...ok, if you look in my last post you kinda can see it...I'm actually kind of liking this color. Especially when I put a creamy white against it. So I'm pretty sure I'm going to look for chairs that can be mismatched, but all creamy white, and I *think* I want to go darker with the table because I'm worried a honey color would blend into the wall color too much. Plus, the floor is a darker wood and we had a darker wood table in here for a few days and I liked the way it brought that dark wood color up into the room.
Hopefully we'll have pictures of a finished table tomorrow or the next day!

So, the table top, legs, and apron will be ready for final sanding and (hopefully) stain tomorrow (I'm finishing the pieces before assembling it all). The apron is a couple nails from being complete, the legs are sanded, and all the knots are filled on the top. It's really starting to look like a table :)
So tomorrow I have to make a final decision on the stain color. The original plan was for a honey color stain with some darker glaze to bring out the imperfections, but that was in our old place where we had off-white walls. Her we have...hmm...orange/gold/brown? walls...hmm...let's see if there is a picture...ok, if you look in my last post you kinda can see it...I'm actually kind of liking this color. Especially when I put a creamy white against it. So I'm pretty sure I'm going to look for chairs that can be mismatched, but all creamy white, and I *think* I want to go darker with the table because I'm worried a honey color would blend into the wall color too much. Plus, the floor is a darker wood and we had a darker wood table in here for a few days and I liked the way it brought that dark wood color up into the room.
Hopefully we'll have pictures of a finished table tomorrow or the next day!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Things coming together
Laundry is the BANE of my existence....seriously! I absolutely HATE it...I'm never even close to being caught up with it...and even when we do manage to get clothes though both the washer and the dryer, they sit unfolded in "clean clothes" piles. It's really rather ridiculous....
Then one day, I read about "the family closet". I can't find the original blog post that inspired me, but the pictures from the link should give you a good idea. I thought to myself...I bet that would make me at least a little less stressed about laundry...maybe even I could keep up with it sorta...So, when we moved one of my wants was a laundry area that could be turned into a family closet. And, I got my wish :)
The washer and dryer is in the basement, where I have plenty of room to create a closet...however, the space is completely unfinished...not even studs to hang shelves on. And the price of closet systems really add up. So, working on no budget at all, I started figuring out how I could create what I needed. I knew I wanted most of the rods low enough for my little girls to access, but tall enough at least for my shirts to be hung up. It had to be free standing. I need at least some shelves/drawers for folded things and boxes of clothes that are being hung onto for hand me downs or off season stuff. So this has been simmering in the back of my mind for a month now, and one morning I woke up with the solution.
We have 2 of these we'd used for pantry food in our last place (only ours are black...) They were sitting in pieces in the garage with plans to be used for fabric/craft storage. I decided my laundry organization was more important just now since we were working with a massive "clean pile" and "dirty pile" that I was desperately trying to keep from mingling in my basement and the reply to "I can't find any pants was" go look in the clean pile. (no wonder it takes us forever to get out of the house...) So this is what my black shelves look like now. (I think we will call this space "the dungeon"...)
Ok, you can see that I still have a lot of clothes to be sorted and put away, but I now have a place to put them! I even had an extra table to use as a folding table!
I started by taking the top two shelves for the older girl's clothes. I was just looking to get stuff off the floor, really, and turned up like that, they worked well.
Then I remembered these two closet rods I'd picked up at the DI. I took the lower shelves and left them the right way and then we zip tied the rods to the top for baby clothes and my shirts. Longer dresses are just going to have to go in the upstairs closet with Chris' clothes. The buckets I found today at Wal-mart for $1.50 each. My kids were always dropping the drawers out of the dressers in the past, so I think this will work nicely.
I'm really excited about my progress down here. This is the year I get my laundry under control!
Then one day, I read about "the family closet". I can't find the original blog post that inspired me, but the pictures from the link should give you a good idea. I thought to myself...I bet that would make me at least a little less stressed about laundry...maybe even I could keep up with it sorta...So, when we moved one of my wants was a laundry area that could be turned into a family closet. And, I got my wish :)
The washer and dryer is in the basement, where I have plenty of room to create a closet...however, the space is completely unfinished...not even studs to hang shelves on. And the price of closet systems really add up. So, working on no budget at all, I started figuring out how I could create what I needed. I knew I wanted most of the rods low enough for my little girls to access, but tall enough at least for my shirts to be hung up. It had to be free standing. I need at least some shelves/drawers for folded things and boxes of clothes that are being hung onto for hand me downs or off season stuff. So this has been simmering in the back of my mind for a month now, and one morning I woke up with the solution.

I'm really excited about my progress down here. This is the year I get my laundry under control!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Katie's first design choice
While moving, I was noticing that the hand me down crib that we've used with all three girls was looking rather tired and starting to get some chippy paint in places, so I decided to refinish it. At the store, I picked up a light pink spray paint for it and asked Katie if she wanted to paint her bed...she replied "no...PINK!" and pointed at the BRIGHT pink can. All right then...it's her bed, after all. So we went PINK!
Wouldn't this piece of art look cute in here? I think I have some old canvases I'm not using right now...
In other news...we are working on our table. We brought the boards in so we could see how the size looked in our space. We decided on a 7 foot table. We decided which sides would be the tops, and jointed the sides and have them ready to glue up when the new clamps get here (expected tomorrow). We also got the legs cut to size. I'd like to run a sander over them to clean the up just a bit before putting the apron together. Plus, we are working with slightly different sizes then I'd planned. The 4x4's were pretty rough, so we went with 4x6 legs (YAY for hefty legs!) Plus, the 2x8 we'd planned for the tops were not very straight, so we switched to 2x10s. These aren't huge differences, but enough that I need to re-figure the apron lengths. (have I mentioned that I'm excited about this project? I'm NOT excited to help carry it into the house, cause it is going to be SOOOOO heavy! but I'm excited to get it in here)

In other news...we are working on our table. We brought the boards in so we could see how the size looked in our space. We decided on a 7 foot table. We decided which sides would be the tops, and jointed the sides and have them ready to glue up when the new clamps get here (expected tomorrow). We also got the legs cut to size. I'd like to run a sander over them to clean the up just a bit before putting the apron together. Plus, we are working with slightly different sizes then I'd planned. The 4x4's were pretty rough, so we went with 4x6 legs (YAY for hefty legs!) Plus, the 2x8 we'd planned for the tops were not very straight, so we switched to 2x10s. These aren't huge differences, but enough that I need to re-figure the apron lengths. (have I mentioned that I'm excited about this project? I'm NOT excited to help carry it into the house, cause it is going to be SOOOOO heavy! but I'm excited to get it in here)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My new treasure!
So, I'm at the thrift store yesterday, and was just about to call it quits. I'd found a couple closet rods, and grabbed a couple of forks and spoons (our new house has a bigger dishwasher, and I'm finding we are running out before the dishwasher is full...). I also found a sweet little vase that works perfectly with my "orange" stuff, and Katie found a cute sun hat she had to have. They were all things I needed, but I didn't feel like it was an awesome thrifting experience. On my way out, I noticed a couple big things in the furniture section were being taken to the back...and experience shows that if you wait just a few minutes, they will bring out *something* to fill the empty spot...so I stood right there in case it was awesome and there would be a race for it....after a minute, the nice man showed up with...
Cool, hu?! I was right there, so I was looking at it first, but there were three other people hovering over my shoulder, so as soon as I was sure it was in good condition I grabbed it! I have NO IDEA what I'm going to do with it, but it is beautiful and it awesome condition. the top could use a light sand and maybe a finish...but I like it the way it is, too... I was thinking it would be cool laid flat and used for my computer desk...and it's totally stable enough for that, but Chris thinks it wouldn't work because of the legs and not being able to really get a chair under it. I may insist on it anyway :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010
All Mine!

Ok, so now, do I unpack boxes to make room in the workshop, or unload the lumber, or start getting dinner ready? Oh, it's so hard to decide!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Exciting stuff going on

The blue frame is the frame from this post. Not nearly as boring now, hu? I'm wanting to add some trim to the back so it sits away from the wall and the chicken wire doesn't scratch paint. I'm also not sure how this color will look with our new walls, so the color may change. I'm going to do some fun clothes pins and use it for my idea board.
Notice the white cushion? I have two dining chairs...one painted the same blue as the frame, the other will probably be red...and I have to get to the fabric store to find the perfect print to reupholster the cushions with. (I have before pics, so when they get done, you'll get to see it all)
The other frame is one my sister-in-law picked up and decided she wouldn't be using. It's a really beautiful frame...not sure what *I'm* going to do with it...but I'll think of something :) On top of the desk are pieces of an ottoman (the puffy pink thing is a tutu) that could be put together if I ever got it painted (yeah, check this post again to see where it started)...yes, one of the legs is still waiting to be sanded... On the floor, you see those turned legs??? They are dining table sized and I got all 4 for $15 at the Restore this week! (just for fun, do a search for turned dining table legs...yeah, $15 is an AMAZING deal!) I plan to build the rest of the table to go with them...
The orange chair is one we use, but I plan to reupholster it as soon as I learn how. It was my grandma's...we were at her house once and she'd been purging some of her stuff...I told her that if she ever wanted to get rid of that chair, I'd love to have it...not only is it a great chair with nice lines...it's totally comfy...perfect for curling up and reading a book.
Projects that you don't see...well, my desk is still waiting to be painted. I have a full sized and a toddler headboard in the back, and I'm still planning my new farm table.
So, why are ALL of these sitting only half done or hardly started? Well, because with one car that my husband takes to work, it's been hard to get out and get the supplies I need. Also, I can't paint when it's snowing and raining and the wind is blowing...which it's been doing a lot here lately. This leads to some other exciting stuff going on that is actually related to all of these things. First, I got an astro van!!! It's not pretty or new, but it runs well and I can haul a TON of stuff in it. Plus, I can actually run the errands I need to get supplies to finish my projects! Exciting!!! Next extra exciting thing! We have found a new house to rent. We are on a tight budget, so I was hoping for a single car garage to work in during bad weather, but we've been blessed to find a great place with a 3 car garage already set up with a work bench and lots of storage! I'll have plenty of room for even the biggest projects there! It also has a basement where I can have a corner to put my sewing and craft stuff.
I'm ultra excited about all of this. We're going to be moving this week...I'm doing the littler stuff during the week (thanks to my awesome new van!), and we hope to do the big stuff Saturday, so by next week (If I can wait that long) I should be seeing some of these projects wrapped up. I'm so excited to show you what it will all look like in the end!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Feeling a little frustrated....
So, my awesome table that I get giddy at the very thought of...is on hold :( We were waiting to get the suburban fixed so we could get the lumber for it...turns out the suburban would cost about twice as much to fix as it's worth...so now we are on hold waiting to figure out what we are going to do for a second vehicle...it has to be something I can haul kids and furniture with. In the midst of this, we are looking for a new place to rent...something with a garage where I can work on all my projects. So, the spot I was going to put my perfectly pretty new farm table won't be my spot to put something, so I'm kinda waiting to find out what my new spot will look like before I build so I can build something the right size for that spot.
So, I'm feeling frustrated and like my projects have all been put on hold while I find a house and shop for a ... truck probably? So I will try to post some cool stuff...I do have a couple things I'm slowly working on...but please don't give up on me if you don't see much from me for the next while. When I get a garage/workshop I have all kinds of awesome that will be happening :)
So, I'm feeling frustrated and like my projects have all been put on hold while I find a house and shop for a ... truck probably? So I will try to post some cool stuff...I do have a couple things I'm slowly working on...but please don't give up on me if you don't see much from me for the next while. When I get a garage/workshop I have all kinds of awesome that will be happening :)
Monday, March 1, 2010
Because my husband is sick of listening to me ramble about it...
and this is my blog, so you can't stop me from rambling if I want to :p Plus, I'd love to hear if any of my readers actually have any insight on my ramblings....
Ok, My last post mentioned that I'm going to be building a new table. I linked to these plans from Knock off Wood. I absolutely LOVE this site! Her plans are so simple to follow and there are so many examples of what other people have done using these plans. This one is a fairly new plan and I haven't seen a picture of it yet. The pictures she put in that post are random farmhouse pictures...which are ALL awesome! Then she linked to this post with some more pictures of tables and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE this one. (swoon with me now!)
I adore the chunky legs (would you say those are 4x6? I would...), and the color and distressing is perfect. I also really like the lower supports and stretcher. My husband is discouraging any lower supports or stretcher because...well, he's tall and doesn't want anyone to have to deal with them when they have to sit on the ends. Also, I'm not sure how to support the overhang outside of the apron, so I dont' want that much space between the legs and the end of the table. Both of us like the look of a table without the breadboard on the ends. Those are the boards that run the width of the table on the ends. (the above table *has* breadboards...this next one does not...)
See...boards that are cut square at the ends...we both like this look better. But I feel this table looks a little fragile. The legs are too thin....and I want something that really *looks* like it will take the test of time.
Ok next up....
Knock off Wood has plans for this table on her site (here). Her plans for this one are really very good too... again, my husband veto'ed the lower supports, and there's the breadboard again...However, looking at this picture of the RH table we both oooohh'ed at the heft of the table top...go back and check out how THICK those boards are! And nice and wide, too! Plus the nice thick table legs....but we're not sure how they will do support wise without the lower supports using the plans she has here...hmmm....(also...reclaimed wood! look at that color...swooning again!)
So, with all these thoughts in mind, I was browsing older posts on Knock off Wood and came to this "how-to" post...She has a couple videos of how she does the legs on the Hyde tables. That "double apron" (that's what I'm calling it anyway) thing she does really looks like it would give a lot of stability to the legs, don't ya think? I do! But the only plans for Hyde tables are coffee table, end table and console table...still....
So, with the help of my husband I've found the solution! We are using the directions for the Hyde legs/apron and sizing it to fit our table(no lower supports and nice thick legs). We're using the top like the narrow farmhouse table so we don't have breadboards, but using 2x8 boards for the top instead of 1x8's like she has in her plan (nice hefty top to go with the nice hefty legs!). The top is going to be 36 in wide (or close to that...it will be 5 boards wide...) and 6.5 feet long. This will easily put 3 chairs on the side of the table with options for people on the end. And it fits perfectly where I want it. Woot! I know how to build it now!
Next up...the finish...I was watching some tutorials because I've read all kinds of techniques for this, but I was wanting to see the results with my table in mind. There was one where she stained...put the stain on then wiped it right off, kind of making it uneven in places. The she let it dry, then distressed with a chisel and sander, then she used a black glaze, wiping it off after just a few seconds (oh, here it is...but she is REALLY annoying to watch, so I'm just linking to the last one that shows the results after the glazing. She does some more paint steps, but I'd stop after the first glaze)....I *think* if I use a stain that is gold-ish (but NOT orangy!) then black glaze, I'd get a look a lot like the James Merrell table. I'd also add in some deeper cuts in the legs and maybe some other steps to beat it up while distressing. Then finish with a satin clear coat...Glossy seems to feel out of place for this, but I think satin would give it a nice sheen that's not too much while protecting it from all the spills my little girls are going to inflict on it.
So, are you as excited for me to actually start this project as I am? I'd totally be doing it right now...if I had a way to get the boards home. My tools have shipped, and if they get here before my suburban is fixed, then I'm going to call my cousin with a truck and have her help me get them here :)
Did any of you even get though that ramble? lol...I know, it's a lot, but that has been what's on my mind, and I can't seem to concentrate on anything else!
Ok, My last post mentioned that I'm going to be building a new table. I linked to these plans from Knock off Wood. I absolutely LOVE this site! Her plans are so simple to follow and there are so many examples of what other people have done using these plans. This one is a fairly new plan and I haven't seen a picture of it yet. The pictures she put in that post are random farmhouse pictures...which are ALL awesome! Then she linked to this post with some more pictures of tables and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE this one. (swoon with me now!)
I adore the chunky legs (would you say those are 4x6? I would...), and the color and distressing is perfect. I also really like the lower supports and stretcher. My husband is discouraging any lower supports or stretcher because...well, he's tall and doesn't want anyone to have to deal with them when they have to sit on the ends. Also, I'm not sure how to support the overhang outside of the apron, so I dont' want that much space between the legs and the end of the table. Both of us like the look of a table without the breadboard on the ends. Those are the boards that run the width of the table on the ends. (the above table *has* breadboards...this next one does not...)
See...boards that are cut square at the ends...we both like this look better. But I feel this table looks a little fragile. The legs are too thin....and I want something that really *looks* like it will take the test of time.
Ok next up....
Knock off Wood has plans for this table on her site (here). Her plans for this one are really very good too... again, my husband veto'ed the lower supports, and there's the breadboard again...However, looking at this picture of the RH table we both oooohh'ed at the heft of the table top...go back and check out how THICK those boards are! And nice and wide, too! Plus the nice thick table legs....but we're not sure how they will do support wise without the lower supports using the plans she has here...hmmm....(also...reclaimed wood! look at that color...swooning again!)
So, with all these thoughts in mind, I was browsing older posts on Knock off Wood and came to this "how-to" post...She has a couple videos of how she does the legs on the Hyde tables. That "double apron" (that's what I'm calling it anyway) thing she does really looks like it would give a lot of stability to the legs, don't ya think? I do! But the only plans for Hyde tables are coffee table, end table and console table...still....
So, with the help of my husband I've found the solution! We are using the directions for the Hyde legs/apron and sizing it to fit our table(no lower supports and nice thick legs). We're using the top like the narrow farmhouse table so we don't have breadboards, but using 2x8 boards for the top instead of 1x8's like she has in her plan (nice hefty top to go with the nice hefty legs!). The top is going to be 36 in wide (or close to that...it will be 5 boards wide...) and 6.5 feet long. This will easily put 3 chairs on the side of the table with options for people on the end. And it fits perfectly where I want it. Woot! I know how to build it now!
Next up...the finish...I was watching some tutorials because I've read all kinds of techniques for this, but I was wanting to see the results with my table in mind. There was one where she stained...put the stain on then wiped it right off, kind of making it uneven in places. The she let it dry, then distressed with a chisel and sander, then she used a black glaze, wiping it off after just a few seconds (oh, here it is...but she is REALLY annoying to watch, so I'm just linking to the last one that shows the results after the glazing. She does some more paint steps, but I'd stop after the first glaze)....I *think* if I use a stain that is gold-ish (but NOT orangy!) then black glaze, I'd get a look a lot like the James Merrell table. I'd also add in some deeper cuts in the legs and maybe some other steps to beat it up while distressing. Then finish with a satin clear coat...Glossy seems to feel out of place for this, but I think satin would give it a nice sheen that's not too much while protecting it from all the spills my little girls are going to inflict on it.
So, are you as excited for me to actually start this project as I am? I'd totally be doing it right now...if I had a way to get the boards home. My tools have shipped, and if they get here before my suburban is fixed, then I'm going to call my cousin with a truck and have her help me get them here :)
Did any of you even get though that ramble? lol...I know, it's a lot, but that has been what's on my mind, and I can't seem to concentrate on anything else!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Lookie what is on it's way!!!
For a long time I've been aware that we are outgrowing out table. There is room for 4 comfortably if I dish up plates from the stove and we can squeeze in one extra person when we need to...but I love the feel of a family meal where all the food is piled in dishes on the table, and being able to invite people over would be so nice. We just don't have room for that, and Katie will be joining us at the table (instead of in her high chair next to the table) soon. So, I've been watching DI (thrift store) for a new table...they range from $40-$80 there generally, but I've only ever spotted one I even kind of liked...and it was on a day I didn't have cash for a table. And I didn't like it *that* well. So I've just been living with our too-small table until I could think of a solution that would fix the problem and not break our budget. Well, I think I've found one and I just ordered part of the solution!
Awesome, hu?! I'm so excited! And in case you are wondering, I totally did not buy these for my husband for our anniversary. These babies are MINE...though he did help me pick out the best ones for my budget, and I'm letting him think he will have access to use them if he needs (teehee). (doesn't look much like a table does it???) Well, HERE are the plans for the table that will be mine once the weather is stable enough to let me work on it outside. Isn't it pretty? We're going to alter the plans a bit...hers is 30inches wide and 8 feet long...a little longer then I have room for, and not quite wide enough for dishes of food. Mine is going to be about 37 inches wide and 6.5 feet long. Aren't you excited for me???
And until then, these new tools will be a big help with stuff like....
You remember this pretty little thing? Well, it is now all prepared and ready and waiting for those new tools to show up. (ok, I PROMISE one of these days I'll actually get an "after picture of something up, instead of just teasing you :p)
Next up on my wish-list (because it will make building the new table 100% easier!)...A nail gun! The miter saw is going to have to wait to see if I'm using the other stuff enough to justify it...but, oh, do I want one!

And until then, these new tools will be a big help with stuff like....

Next up on my wish-list (because it will make building the new table 100% easier!)...A nail gun! The miter saw is going to have to wait to see if I'm using the other stuff enough to justify it...but, oh, do I want one!

Friday, February 19, 2010
Pretty in Pink!
Remember this?...
Typical computer tower...big...black...
In our house, we don't have computers hidden away in private rooms...heck we don't even have places to tuck them away (you saw my living room, right?) Computers are a big part of our life and therefore, right out in the open. I figured I could make this little guy a little more interesting, so here it is now...
Cute, right??? More work then I figured, and I cut a lot of corners...I should have sanded initially and taped off better and done a clear coat at the end. I have more plans, so the clear coat may get done then, but we'll see. Initially, I was going to try to make it look like a dresser or chest with wood moulding and little decorative handles...but the shape of the case isn't really boxy enough for that, but I think I'm going to add at least a little something more at some point. For now...I shall call her "Bubbles" lol :) And just think how pretty she will look sitting next to my pretty new desk once it's painted black! Oh, spring, you can't come soon enough!
*note! this project was able to be done because it was a new case with no computer components installed and I had my husband who is fairly knowledgeable about computers help me. I would not recommend taking your tower out and spray painting it w/o talking to someone who knows about computers....I dismantled the whole case to do this. I'll post more pictures tomorrow when I get them transferred from my old computer so you can see how I did it.

In our house, we don't have computers hidden away in private rooms...heck we don't even have places to tuck them away (you saw my living room, right?) Computers are a big part of our life and therefore, right out in the open. I figured I could make this little guy a little more interesting, so here it is now...

*note! this project was able to be done because it was a new case with no computer components installed and I had my husband who is fairly knowledgeable about computers help me. I would not recommend taking your tower out and spray painting it w/o talking to someone who knows about computers....I dismantled the whole case to do this. I'll post more pictures tomorrow when I get them transferred from my old computer so you can see how I did it.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What I've been up to
To start with, me and the girls made these cute valentines for their classes. I decided I needed to have them put a little more work into them then just picking out a box from the store. I cut out the circles and hearts, they glued them on and wrote names on the back. It was kinda a fun project.
Beyond that, I haven't really been crafting as much. (I can't believe I'm going to show you this next picture...but here it is...) I kinda figured I didn't appreciate how much Chris did to help out around the house...but now, with him in school...I'm amazed at how much just doesn't get done. On top of that...we are not very good at being minimalistic...we have a LOT of stuff in a very small space, and we need to get better about it. But, 2 days ago, this is what my front room looked like...completely and totally out of control....and this is after a week when I really, truly made every effort to keep it clean since it was clean the week before for a dinner party...it was clean the day after the party...I'm not sure when it all fell apart....
In this space, we have several needs...tv watching area, 2 computer desks, sewing desk, room for the elliptical (preferably where there is access to show watching while using it), parking spot for stroller, and space for kids to play (no, they can't play in their room as there is barely room for their beds and I'm in the process of moving all toys out of their room as they are not cappable of keeping the toys picked up because of the space's limitations...). Is it any wonder that the room looks like this? On top of that, we have several things being stored in here since we are lacking in storage space in general. So, this week, I've been working out a better floorplan that makes more sense for our needs, as well as getting real about what we really NEED to keep and what we could definitly live without...things have started moving around and looking a little better, but in the midst of it, 2 of these showed up....
Along with all the guts that come with them. Chris is running on a borrowed computer system since his died, and mine is running worse and worse each day...so this year tax returns mean new computers for both of us. Which mean I have lots of boxes of computer components added to my already overfull living room. *sigh*...
I did however get a really exciting project most of the way done yesterday, and I'll be posting a ton of pictures on it tomorrow! Look forward to it ;)

I did however get a really exciting project most of the way done yesterday, and I'll be posting a ton of pictures on it tomorrow! Look forward to it ;)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Beautiful Desk

Ok...the desk!
Here is her story (dont' know why it's a her...I just feel she is...)
Yesterday morning, Betty was combing her hair in the bathroom. Normally the bathroom door is closed so the baby doesn't reek havok in there...well, obviously, the baby was in the open bathroom with her sister. Usually that's not too big of a deal, so I was puttering around in the living room when I hear a collosal crash complete with breaking glass. I rushed to the bathroom to find the over toilet shelf thing across the floor and into the tub...under it, was all our hairbrushes, toothbrushes, q-tips (you get the idea) and it was all sitting among a plethora of broken glass. (Katie was a little spooked, but no-one was hurt luckily) So, instead of dishes and laundry and sewing like I'd planned, I spent my day cleaning up the bathroom. The only problem was that the shelf/cabnet thing wasn't going to go back. It had been in poor shape before, but after the fall...well, it just was done. My sister-in-law came over to drop something off and offered to take me to find a replacement. We decided to start at DI. We were going to stay focused and just look for bathroom organizing things, but of course we got sidetracked. While she was looking at some stools I spoted a little desk...it was cute and sturdy and I've been wanting a permanant home for my sewing machine. It would have been perfect. It had a few drawers(somethign my current computer desk is lacking) and would fit right in the spot next to my computer desk...at $30 I decided I'd grab it and had the furniture guy do up a tag for me. Then I turned around...I'd walked down this isle about 3 times already, but this was the first time I really looked at her. It was love!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Saving the planet, one napkin at a time

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hello Clock!

This took about 3 coats of cherry red spray paint...it probably would have been less, but I didn't primer it first and it was staying very brown/dark. And...for the record...it didn't take me 3 whole hours to do this project...it was probably only 20 min (including waiting a bit between coats). I taped off the face while I was feeding kids and getting them off to school and down for naps.
Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010
Crafting away...and if I weren't too lazy to find my camera cord, you'd see a lot more of it :p
Wow, I've got a lot of catchup to do here....As you can see, this first one is from before we got our tree down...though it was AFTER Christmas....
This is the best picture I could get of them...I know, it's hard to see past those big blue eyes...but check out those clipies! I'll have to do some more and get a better picture soon. They are buttons on a felt leaf. I think they turned out so stinkin' cute! Why hadn't I made clipies before, you may ask? Well, because for ages now, I've been saying "It sure would be nice to have a hot glue gun..." to my husband...with little more then a grunt of response. I mean, seriously!! Who has a craft blog, but doesn't have a hot glue gun???? So, New Years day, we are clearing out a bunch of boxes and he comes across his hot glue gun that he used to have with his work tools...I knew he had it...but boy was he holding out on me...It's a WAY NICE one...one that you can actually unplug and take where you need it, and has it's own stand so it's not all percarious on a paperplate. Yeah...so now I finally have a hot glue gun...if only I had some glue sticks....
ok...next photo...(ignore the messy counter please...I was in the middle of getting this kid off to school...)
I've been watching this blog on refashioning clothing...And I've been inspired. My girls have a TON of pants with knees ripped out. This skirt, used to be the sweetest pair of corduroy pants...then someone tripped and the knee ripped out...then the rip was extended to most of the way up the thigh....yeah, not something they could wear. I cut it just below the zipper, then used whatever panels from the legs to make the first part of the skirt...which wasn't long enough, so I added the ruffle. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out...now to move on to the rest of the stack of ripped up pants....
This is my version of a Valentine advent calendar inspired by this fun site. I used a heavy piece of cardboard from a pack of scrapbooking paper...(I would have liked a peice of wood, but with one car and a husband who is gone from before I get up until 8 at night...I make due with what I have on hand.). I used mod podge to put on the scrapbook paper and paper heart. Then made little pockets out of other scrapbook paper and taped them on. I wanted to add ribbons to the top of the slips of paper...but I don't have a hole punch (ok, I'm now totally dis-credited in the crafting community, I'm sure!!!) The cardboard is a little bendy, but I'm not going to worry about it at this point, as the only one that's going to get a closer look then this is my husband, and I don't think he'll mark off too many points for that. ;)
Talk about an instant gratification project that totally made me smile today! Here is where I got this from (and the tutorial she links to) and it took me all of 20 min! Right now, I kinda like it hanging on this light, but It'll probably find a new place as I get more valentine day stuff going.
Aren't these little guys the cutest ever!! There is a free pattern here that I used for these. I'm making some for me, and then enough for our nursery at church too. They are going to be so cute! Eventually I'll find a branch to put them on and hang them up...but for now, I think I'll call them "love birds" and use them in my Valentine's day decorations :)

ok...next photo...(ignore the messy counter please...I was in the middle of getting this kid off to school...)

Monday, January 11, 2010
I see a snow fairy!

*Photos by my talented brother
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